What Is Acupuncture

Acupuncture stems from a Taoist science of harmonizing the energy of man with the energy of nature.

The ancient Chinese mapped out rivers of energy that flow through the body like rivers and streams irrigating the land. Physical and emotional trauma or stress can cause these rivers to become clogged or blocked, and this prevents the energy from irrigating the body as it should, ultimately resulting in illness. Acupuncture works to reopen energy pathways so that the body has the resources it needs to heal itself, the mind is clear, and the spirit is ready to engage in all life has to offer.

Five Element Acupuncture is a system of medicine that works to harmonize your internal energy with the energy of nature around you. This harmony allows you to adapt more flexibly to the challenges life presents.

As we move through the seasons of the year, the energy in nature changes. We move from the stillness of winter, to the activity of spring, to the relaxation of summer, to a letting go of the year in autumn. Human consciousness allows us to observe the seasons, but the objective distance necessary for this observation can also interfere with our ability to naturally adapt to these environmental changes. This, in turn, can prevent the smooth flow of energy and leave us susceptible to illness.

Five Element acupuncture helps us to adapt to the change of the seasons so that we remain in optimal health. This flexibility is emotional as well as physical. 


Scientific, double blind studies prove that acupuncture is effective in alleviating pain, but it is also particularly effective in cases of the following:

•  Depression
  Pregnancy (morning sickness / labor)
  Asthma and Allergies

Acupuncture can also help to support the system and ease discomfort during medical treatment of long-term illnesses such as cancer. 


Many people who try acupuncture for a specific problem find it helpful to continue with monthly or seasonal treatments as both preventative medicine, and to keep mentally and emotionally flexible. When stress levels are manageable, it is easier to get in touch with your true self and rediscover your passion for life. 

Because our bodies change along with the seasons, during the second year of treatment you may discover new growth in yourself. Just as each year the soil in a garden is amended, the more bountiful the harvest. 

After the first year, you may find you appreciate each season in new ways. While you may have dreaded fall, you now appreciate the crispness of the air and the nostalgia that comes with letting go of the year like the trees let go of their leaves. In Winter, you may find yourself naturally preserving your energy and gathering new resources for the coming spring, whereas before, you extended yourself to the point of exhaustion. 

Acupuncture also results in increased sensitivity to the needs of your body. This sensitivity to imbalance often leads naturally to lifestyle changes that promote health.